ADOPT AN ELEPHANT World Elephant Day Aug.12


Seen any mammoths lately? Like modern elephants, they were contemporaries of Homo sapiens, and therein lies the problem. Threats to the largest land mammal on earth include the loss and degradation of habitat, and poaching for ivory. In 1989 international trade in ivory was banned, but underground markets still thrive in some countries, with a growing demand from Asians, particularly Chinese, who consider car ownership and ivory decorations the ultimate signs of affluence.

Surprisingly, the greatest threat to the beasts is conflict with human farmers. Voracious elephant appetites conflict with humans trying to feed their own families. The World Wildlife Federation is attempting to eliminate conflict between people and elephants, mobilizing and educating communities. Protecting crops requires proper land use, allowing for seasonal movement of herds. WWF is attempting to educate populations in proper land management and techniques for protecting crops. Additionally, they are instilling an appreciation for wildlife tourism as an economic resource. Efforts include training park guards, monitoring elephant movement and developing techniques to protect crops.

You and I can participate in the effort to preserve these magnificent creatures through World Wildlife Federation’s Adopt an Elephant Program. Eighty-four percent of the program’s spending goes directly to conservation efforts. Charity Navigator gives a high rating to the 501C3 charity. Gift options range from $25 to $250. An adoption certificate is included with each gift package. Next time you’re shopping for a birthday present, why not adopt an elephant?

A second, fun way to help elephants is through The Nature Conservancy’s #elegram Project. Doodle, draw, sculpt, paint, or sew an elephant and post it on social media, matching your #elegram with a donation. Learn more about the plight of elephants at The Nature Conservancy .  CLick for written elegram instructions

Now sit back and celebrate World Elephant Day, August 12, 2015, by watching a 30-minute documentary, Return to the Forest , and take pride in knowing you’ve helped conserve an amazing species.

Picture Credit:

Who Killed Cecil the Lion?

Can we really throw stones at the dentist who killed Cecil, Zimbabwe’s iconic lion? Until the late Pleistocene, 10,000 years ago, lions were the most widespread large land mammals, after humans, ranging from AlaskaLion_waiting_in_Namibia to Peru, and throughout Asia and Africa.* Think about it! Lions roamed where we once lived! So did mammoths, mastodons, giant ground sloths, ten feet tall terror birds, rhinos, bison, hippos, camels, beardogs and glyptodonts, resembling giant armadillos. Where did they all go?

At one time, North America was home to more mega fauna than Africa. What happened to them? Granted, some, like the horse which originated here, migrated across the Bering Straits, and a newly formed isthmus to South America. Ice ages (there were at least five) had an effect. Parasites could easily decimate a whole herd. On school tours at the museum, I ask the children which do you think had the greatest impact? chill, kill, or ill? Invariably, they choose kill. Why? Do they know their own species so well?

Maybe. Remember the stories of 19th century train passengers shooting bison from the windows for sport? Those who couldn’t experience the west lived vicariously through “wild west shows,” like “Buffalo” Bill Cody’s, he who reportedly slaughtered more than 4,000 bison in two years.

We are not the only species that kills for reasons other than food. Cecil’s rival, another adult male, has killed Cecil’s cubs, which will assure less competition for his own progeny, a strategy not unknown among humans. Humans are adaptable. We’re resourceful. That’s why we remain at the top of the food chain. But killing for the thrill of the kill is less than human. The pride probably ate the murdered cubs. Humans are one step above cannibalism, but my friend Kaye would say we carnivores are not.

According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, lion populations in Africa are in serious decline, mostly from human intervention. Lions have suffered a population reduction of approximately 30% over the past two decades (approximately three lion generations). Whether a species is endangered or not, what does it say about us as a species to have trophies of animal heads on the wall? Think about it! 

*C.R. Dick Harrington, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 6

Picture credit: Kevin Pluck at Okonjima AfriCat Foundation, Namibia

Dancing Raisins

If you heard it through the grapevine you’re old enough to remember the Dancing Raisins of the 1970’s!


Cleaning out old files, I came across the dancing raisin experiment I did with my first graders while teaching the scientific method:

  1. Problem: Which liquid will cause the raisins to dance?
  2. Materials I need: cup of water, cup of clear soda, raisins.
  3. Hypothesis: I think ____________ will make the raisins dance (choices: soda, water, neither)
  4. Procedure: Drop the raisins into the liquids at the same time; count “jumps.”
  5. Results: Raisins in ______________”danced” the most!
  6. Conclusions: The hypothesis was ______________ (right, wrong).

Objectives: learn science process; observe carbon monoxide effect

I required my darlings to write numbers five and six in crayon, otherwise, had their hypothesis been incorrect, they would change it! I explained that the science process is an ongoing exploration, a learning experience. It’s okay if your hypothesis is incorrect. Nothing is ever final.

Those who know me generally consider me conservative, but I get extremely annoyed when I hear uninformed friends explaining what scientists believe. For example, NO scientist will tell you that we evolved from apes, unless he was speaking in the 1800’s, yet I have heard more than one friend assert that is what current science maintains. The scientific process is designed to TEST, OBSERVE and REVISE. Validity is determined by EVIDENCE, not opinion, not politics. Science is a process – a learning process. A process of continual testing, observation, revision.

Let’s keep an open mind. Let’s keep learning!

FYI: The bubbles in the carbon dioxide gas were released from the carbonated soda. The raisins, denser than the liquid, initially sank. When bubbles stuck to the raisins’ rough surface, the raisins lifted due to an increase in buoyancy. Bubbles popped at the surface and CO2 escaped. The raisins lost their buoyancy and sank. Fun discussion on what makes us burp. Try this at home (the experiment, not the burping).

picture credit: Claymation

Youtube Marvin Gaye, Heard it Through the Grapevine

It’s a Big Ocean – Go Ahead, Pitch It In


Pulitzer Prize winner  Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 2-17-15

Beaver Attacks Men

You knew about the big teeth. You knew about the wide, flat tail. But who knew beavers could be aggressive? On June 26 the AP reported a beaver attacked two Oregon men, who then fell into the river. The men had climbed onto a beaver dam and were attacked by the animal. Their injuries were not life-threatening, but I bet they won’t be visiting any more beaver homes!beaver-w-branch-1

Beavers dam streams to create productive wetlands. According to Beavers: Wetlands & Wildlife, almost half of endangered and threatened species in North America rely upon wetlands. Wetlands ease flooding, lesson erosion, and purify water, lessening treatment for human use. Wetlands are an economic boon, and by creating and maintaining them, beavers provide essential services to people.

A Native American word for beaver also means “affable,” a word which, under normal circumstances, describes the demeanor of the intelligent little mammal. More and more, humans and wildlife are crossing paths, but intentional intrusion such as the above are foolish and merit defensive action by a beneficial species.

Check out my article, Beavers in the House, in BoysQuest Magazine, April, 2015, about Dorothy Richards, who helped repopulate the Adirondacks.

On the Care of Our Common Home

Significant change is occurring in our atmosphere, the security blanket that is a protective wrap around our earthly home, keeping this a comfortable place to Security Blanketlive. But species, both plants and animals moving further north, and other changes cannot be denied, whether or not you believe climate change is caused by man. On June 18, Pope Francis published his second encyclical, Laudato Si, On the Care of our Common Home. It is critical of consumerism and irresponsible development and addresses environmental degradation and global warming, relentless exploitation and destruction of the environment, apathy, and the pursuit of profit, and political short sightedness.

It is a joy to hear our church leaders speak to the challenge of climate change and urge us to embrace stewardship of God’s creation and our responsibility to future generations. Pope Francis cast humanity’s relationship with the natural world in ethical terms and challenged the world to stop pollution, recycle and carpool, to live without air conditioning and live a less materialistic and wasteful life. He urged all to hear “both the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor.”

Live without air conditioning. Hmmm….What could you do without?