A life-changing trauma I experienced six months before COVID struck was compounded by quarantining. Ragged remnants remain for all of us, but as 2020 … Continue reading →
“Zoom, Zoom,” the little boy on the commercial says as the car speeds past him. The word has acquired new meaning in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic: Communication. There are wide differences of opinion today about social gatherings, but … Continue reading →
For the next hundred years, say “2020” and everyone’s first thought will be the same: COVID-19. The word evokes the collective experience of those lucky enough to have survived it—Worry, depression, loneliness. Overwhelmed, we watched the news, full of dismal … Continue reading →
Six billion pounds of plastic bottles get thrown out every year and only about thirty percent are recycled. Standing in line for water in preparation for Hurricane Irma, I wondered how many water bottles would end up in the landfill. … Continue reading →
Technosphere. Who knew there was a term for all the junk humans have made? Every week I dutifully haul the recycle bins to the curb and place them next to my trash can. I wonder how much is actually recycled … Continue reading →
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